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Sunday 24 June 2012

♥So I was looking at all my blog posts and I have realized that the time on what and when my blog was posted that the time is like early. One time the time said "4.44 am" and then I was like that ain't right. So the only reason why is because I live in England and the time scale will be different!So just thought I would inform you so I will put the time on when I have finished the post.


Need more viewers ♥

♥Ok to get some attention (- dunna why), but do you guys wanna fine me anywhere else instead of blogspot.com. You can find me on facebook but you'll have to add me as friend because I don't have a fb page. If you think I should have a page comment, and if there are a load of comments saying I should have a page then I will make on. If you like to add me on fb and me and send a message saying I read your blog and thought I should add or something like that.

Here's a link to my facebook profile:

If you also wanna follow me on Twitter then here is a link:


Here ya go thanks for reading and hope to see you soon!