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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Coming to an end..

So before you all freak out, I am not ending my blog, I've just come to tell you that I have finished my recent project. The most recent project that you all know about is my fanfic that I started making in the middle of the summer vacation. I've decided to finish it at Chapter 30 because I think it's time to put it to an end, I also don't want to bore the readers. Here's a link to update post that I put on my fanfic last night. http://www.wattpad.com/26534797-the-kiss-that-changed-everything-r5-fanfic-update

If you cannot click on the hyperlink than here is a picture of what it says.

What do you all think of the setting for my sequel? I mean I'm only doing it to pass the time. Don't call me a nerd or whatever but I actually like writing, English is probably my second favourite subject, after photography. Tell me what you think about the sequel in the comments!

~ Haniya ~