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So I don't really think you know me that well so I thought I will do something that will kind of introduce me just a bit more. 1. I am...
So I just can home from school and I thought I should get changed a relax! So I thought I should do a quick OOTD, also I am also posting fro...
Here is another birthday shoutout! Ryland Lynch! Happy 16th Birthday! You are one of the greatest managers! Love you lots! AND come to t...
MERRY XMAS EVERYONE!!! What season is your favourite, spring, summer, autumn or winter. My 2 are summer BECAUSE I am born in the summer ...
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!! how are all of youhs doing? sorry i havent been posting anything lately, ive been getting everything ready for Christ...
When you have something coming upo in real life and then a few days before you have a dream about the same thing. Well that's what happe...
♥ So I have already done a post to do with friends and is was based on me and my friend Jessie. Here's a link to the blogpost > ♥ ...
You have to watch this video it is about the summer colours which are based on nail poilish. Type this into your link after you have read th...
It's the Easter holidays! Or also Spring Break! So today was the last day of school and we had half a day. We had 2 periods, which was m...
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Little Miss Not Popular
I'm one of those girls that knows people from that 'group', and from that 'group' or that 'group', but that doesn't mean I'm popular. It just means that I'm friends with different people. In movies they portray popular girls as mean, bitchy, pretty girls that are only happy when they put other people down. I don't like anyone who is like that. And society is making it look like that that is alright. But it isn't, it's just showing that you can be mean and make someone feel small just so you could be happy. I'd rather be someone who isn't popular at all, doesn't go out to parties all the time and doesn't go for every guy they see. Call me nerdy but I'd rather be someone who studies, get good grades and not even care about a 'love life'. But if being popular means putting someone down then I would not rather be popular.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Coming to an end..
So before you all freak out, I am not ending my blog, I've just come to tell you that I have finished my recent project. The most recent project that you all know about is my fanfic that I started making in the middle of the summer vacation. I've decided to finish it at Chapter 30 because I think it's time to put it to an end, I also don't want to bore the readers. Here's a link to update post that I put on my fanfic last night. http://www.wattpad.com/26534797-the-kiss-that-changed-everything-r5-fanfic-update
If you cannot click on the hyperlink than here is a picture of what it says.
What do you all think of the setting for my sequel? I mean I'm only doing it to pass the time. Don't call me a nerd or whatever but I actually like writing, English is probably my second favourite subject, after photography. Tell me what you think about the sequel in the comments!
~ Haniya ~
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
So if you can not tell by the title I am happy about something. Well really a few things.
1) The fact that people read my fanfic! MY FANFIC..if you would like to go & check it out
2) The amount of followers I have gotten on twitter lately! It is absolutely insane! Gosh! My new year's resolution for this year was only to get over 300 followers on Twitter but you were all able to get me to over 600! That made me a really happy bunny! MY TWITTER
3) LOUDER comes out in one week! OMFG...I am super excited for this! I really am so proud of them. To be very honest one of their songs made me cry. And by cry I mean ball my eyes out because I was so freaking proud of them! WHERE YOU CAN LISTEN TO R5'S UPCOMING ALBUM 'LOUDER'
That's most of the things that have made me happy in the past few weeks! See ya soon *virtual hugs*
Friday, 13 September 2013
Thank you..
To the people who follow me on twitter, read my blogs, watch my videos. Thank you. By doing all these things I've been searching about who I am. I'm grateful for all the things that have happened to me, which includes all the mistakes and tragedies in my life. All of those things have shaped me into a person I am today. It's true what they say, you'll always learn from your mistakes. The amount of mistakes I've made in the past year (there's a lot) have told me to be a bit more mature, but that also you're never too old to have fun or be imaginative.
The hobbies I've taken up the past summer has helped me. I did have breakdowns and I still do but there's a couple things that keep me going throughout the day. I won't list what they are because they're a bit personal, but I do drop hints on twitter and in my fanfic so go check those out ;]. Things that I do is because I love to do it and I love to have fun. I do things like singing, dancing, swimming is because I love to do it. It helps me by giving me courage to be confident, different and have a some fun now and then.
Don't give up on something because you say it's too hard or because there's a group of people telling you that it's lame. Do it and prove them wrong. That's what I'm doing. And because of you reading my posts and chapters of my fanfic & watch my videos, you've helped me prove them wrong. And I am truly grateful because of that.
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Fanfic UPDATE!
In my last post I told you that I was writing a fanfic(click HERE for the post I wrote explaining about the fanfic). Well here's a little more of what is in the fanfic that I haven't published yet.
Ross's P.O.V
Oh my god! How could she do that?! My own sister. I stormed into her bedroom. "How could you do that to me? To Alison?! She was the only one that actually was truly our best friend. And you've ruined that! This whole thing has gone down hill! And if you are the reason she is in the hospital..you'd be sorry that you ever met her." I was just about to walk, but I wasn't finished. "Actually what's worse. Is that I would ever admit that you are my sister."
Do you think this really dramatic? And also do you think that Ross Lynch will ever say that? Write down in the comments below on what you think! I've also been thinking that I should make another blog but that has things to do with little background projects that I'm doing and this blog could just be a lifestyle one. If I do I will probably be on the other blog more than this one. And have any of you got any names for my other blog. Please comment down below, I would love to hear all your opinions! The top 10 I like I will write down and you can vote, either by commenting or tweeting them to me by putting the hashtag #Namefor_ageisoverrated
Much love X
Much love X
Friday, 6 September 2013
Me...writing a fanfic?!..
So for the past 4 weeks I have been writing a fanfic. And you should all know what it is about, it's about R5! (of course it is..!) And I thought every once in a while I will write a chapter or two on here! I have already published an intro and 2 chapters onto Wattpad. I have called it 'The Kiss that changed Everything'. I know it sounds really cheesy. Here is a link to the intro if you would like to read it. The Kiss that changed Everything - Intro.
What do you think about it? Is it different to any other fanfic you have ever read? Or is this your first time reading a fanfic. Or just maybe reading fanfics aren't your type of thing. Anyways I started to just pass the time, but some how I have decided to take this really seriously. It may seem weird for a 13 year old to be writing these types of things. I've just started writing chapter 24, so you can count me in as a really dedicated fan.
I also started to do this because I saw people doing fanfics and writing them up on instagram. I love reading them (most of the ones I read are R5 ones). If you are writing a fanfic or have a fanfic that you love to read, leave it in the comments below, I love to hear(see really) what you like to read.
Here is a little bit of the fanfic.
Ali's P.O.V
"Alison, I don't want you to look back that way."
"Why?" My heart was racing, I couldn't look back, so I have no clue on what's happening. "Rydel! Who is it?!"
"Catch you later!" And she quickly walked away. I heard a voice. "Hey, do you want to dance?" I looked behind me. I couldn't really see who it was. But I danced with him anyways. It was either Riker or Ross.
What do you think about this particular part of a chapter?
Sunday, 1 September 2013
So today's post will be a lil review on R5's new song! I will also film a video too so don't forget to check back in for that!
So first! Let's listen to the song!
What do you think of it? So let's start with how this is being released on their album LOUDER. Which will be out on 24th September.
Many R5ers or R5Family (e.g moi!) refer this song to be about Ross Lynch & Maia Mitchell and their time in Puerto Rico while filming Teen Beach Movie. In my opinion the song is a true love song. Riker usually explains the point of the song in all the interviews I have seen so far about the song. He says it's about a guy who has a crush on this one special girl, but that girl has a boyfriend. When the boyfriend leaves, the guy is finally able to tell her how he feels, and that he's not going to let her pass him by.
This is a cute love song, as song that is good for driving, with the windows down and having a good time. It's a catchy song too, as they said in a interview with Radio Disney it is has this head bopping motion to it. In the comment section below write down wether you like it, love it or if the song is just not your type.
If you have any songs that you want me to review leave them in the comments below!
Many R5ers or R5Family (e.g moi!) refer this song to be about Ross Lynch & Maia Mitchell and their time in Puerto Rico while filming Teen Beach Movie. In my opinion the song is a true love song. Riker usually explains the point of the song in all the interviews I have seen so far about the song. He says it's about a guy who has a crush on this one special girl, but that girl has a boyfriend. When the boyfriend leaves, the guy is finally able to tell her how he feels, and that he's not going to let her pass him by.
This is a cute love song, as song that is good for driving, with the windows down and having a good time. It's a catchy song too, as they said in a interview with Radio Disney it is has this head bopping motion to it. In the comment section below write down wether you like it, love it or if the song is just not your type.
If you have any songs that you want me to review leave them in the comments below!
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Rainy days..
You know if the summer's over when it starts to rain day AND night. So it's nearly 2 in the morning right now, and it is pouring with rain! I don't like it...it just reminds me that summer is over! But it also means that my autumn look-book will be coming out soon!
Wonder how this term is going to pan out. I just checked my timetable and my first lesson is maths..don't call me a nerd but I actually like maths for a couple reasons.. 1. I sit next to my best friends 2. I like my current teacher 3. There's a special someone there.. My current maths teacher is really funny, she makes the whole classroom laugh so badly. Other people who have had her in the past say that she's really strict, but she really isn't. I then have I.T afterwards (isn't my GCSE option), so my first day may or may not be good. I don't know yet.
Wonder how this term is going to pan out. I just checked my timetable and my first lesson is maths..don't call me a nerd but I actually like maths for a couple reasons.. 1. I sit next to my best friends 2. I like my current teacher 3. There's a special someone there.. My current maths teacher is really funny, she makes the whole classroom laugh so badly. Other people who have had her in the past say that she's really strict, but she really isn't. I then have I.T afterwards (isn't my GCSE option), so my first day may or may not be good. I don't know yet.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Cleaning chaos!
So my cousin is coming into town for a while an staying with me and my family for a bit before going to university. So me and my sister decided to clean the house instead of our parents doing it! I decided to do our bedroom since our cousin would be sleeping in our room, and my sister took care of the living room. I have some pictures from during the whole cleaning CHAOS!
And before me and my sister were cleaning my dad had been re-doing the bathroom!
Yes I know my bathroom is tiny! And if you were asking yourself where is your toilet?!?!?!? Well we have a separate room!
So now that's you've seen picture of the room while I'm cleaning. I filmed a room tour so I will have a new post once that is up! Here are some other pictures that I may have took..
Just a silly selfie ;P |
And I also listen to music while cleaning to! |
I listened to Avril's latest song (I think) and I love the song ;]
See ya!
Saturday, 3 August 2013
July Favourites!
If you thought I was going to post an actual post of my July Favourites..you're wrong! But my July Favourites is up on my channel! Go and check it out! Don't forget while you're there to like and subscribe!
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Video Update!
I'm trying to film a lot of videos for my channel, so I'm sorry that there hasn't been any videos for the past week. I've filmed a 'July favourties' and 'PLL Tag'. I am currently editing the July favourties! Half way there and the PLL tag is also in the process of being edited. Also last week I started a weekly vlog, but I haven't edited it yet, so the weekly vlog should be up before this weekend, and today is Friday. Going to pull an all nighter and edit the videos. So they are up by the weekend!
Room tour?!
I want my YouTube channel to have a variety of videos. I have lots of ideas in mind but I don't know wether to put a room tour up. Since I love interior design and watching room tours I thought I could post one. But I will only do it if my viewers would want me to. To let me know just comment 'ROOM TOUR' and I'll have it up soon!
Birthday Abroad?!
So this year I wanted to do a birthday post countdown like I did last year. But I won't be able to because I'm going on holiday for a week. You won't miss out, don't worry I will be vlogging the whole time am I on holiday. The only thing that will end up happening is that it would probably have to be up on YouTube once I get home! If that does happen I will be tweeting, posting pic and uploading vids onto Instagram and Vine!
Before I leave I want to post a bunch of blogposts so you all won't get bored!
~ Haniya ~
Before I leave I want to post a bunch of blogposts so you all won't get bored!
~ Haniya ~
Monday, 22 July 2013
R5 concert up on YouTube! =]
So I forgot to mention but earlier on the full R5 concert went up on my channel! So go and check it out by clicking here! Hope you enjoy it!
Let's get LOUD!
Let's get LOUD!
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Nail polishes ready for this summer!
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So for this summer I thought I should by new summer new polishes! So I thought I would show you all my new nail polishes! I am not bragging! I'm doing this to see if you won't have one of these colours and you may like them you can go buy them :). For all these colours I put a white base coat underneath.
This nail polish is by Sinful Colours in Rich in Heart (number 265). This isn't really a summer colour but this is a colour I would wear this on my toes or if I am going out for a party at night I would wear this colour on my finger nails. But I mainly bought this because I've seen so many people wear this type of nail colour. My english teacher for the past two weeks had a nail colour very similar to this and I loved it.
This nail colour is just a pale grey colour. Again by Sinful Colours in Nirvana (number 949). Never had a colour like this before and again I would wear this on my toe nails for the summer. Have no idea why…I just would wear it on my toes…
This is a nail polish from Barry M that I wanted ever since it has come out and I know it came out ages ago but every time I go shopping to buy nail polish I always forget to buy a Barry M nail Gelly. This is a beautiful lilac colour, but it isn't named after a purple colour like vibrant violet even though it isn't anywhere near violet. It's called Prickly Pear (number 325).
This colour is a fun bright colour for a summer with a cute pink bathing suit. This is by Barbara Daly in the colour Fun House. It's a bright orange, a colour that pops out at you when you see it. Something perfect for the summer time!
This is also by Barbara Daly and this colour is called Lavender. This is a calm, peaceful colour for the summer. Nothing like Fun House with the most bright colour in this whole post. I found out that to get the colour you see right in front of you, you will need a couple coats of this.
This is not a summer colour at all (as you can tell)! But this is a colour that I like to wear on my toes a lot in this season. I would wear this in the winter. This is buy Make Up Academy in Stormy Skies.
Lush Lilac by Make Up Academy is a soft, baby pink. This reminds me of Essie's Pink-a-boo (the way the colour looks when it's inside the bottle). When I put Lush Lilac on my nails and when it finished drying it turns out to be a pastel colour!
I've put Lush Lilac and Prickly Pear together to accent each other!
What do you think? Don't they look nice?
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Hello summer!
Summer is finally here! And so are a couple other things! My R5 concert vlog will be up by this weekend. So go and check out my youtube channel! Summer is finally here and I have a bunch of posts and videos to be written and filmed and I don't think I have enough ideas for this summer I have six weeks off and I do NOT want to be bored for this summer. I have plans but not that many. I am doing another birthday countdown post again like I did last year. Things that I am planning to do is a my summer essentials video.
I have already started off the summer season with a summer lookbook so go and click here!!!
Now before I end this…look at this photo I found the other night!
Sunday, 23 June 2013
More videos on my YouTube Channel!
Hey everyone! So I've decided to take YouTube a bit more seriously and I've started to make more videos and put the up onto my channel, I have also decided to make more beauty type videos so please, comment on my summer haul video what you would like to see in some of my future videos, this would help me a lot or you can inbox me on YouTube. So here https://www.youtube.com/user/HaniWibawa1210653 email or inbox me and I'll try and get your requests up ASAP.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Summer Look - book behind the scenes!
Hey beauties, so this post is really what's happening behind the Summer Look - book scene. My sister is taking the pictures and doing the filming for most of it, of the look - book. And talking about sisters when we were taking a lunch break we decided to film the sister tag, which I'm currently importing because I filmed it from my phone.
I am also editing a Holiday Vlog that I filmed yesterday!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Video on it's way!
So a video is on it's way! And currently I am babysitting my little sister, I need to make me some lunch because my tummy has been rumbling for the last 3 hours! Let's go and check out what's in my fridge.
So what I have found is lots of bread and lettuce, I didn't have that I had maple and pecan cereal, and it was so yummy!
So what I have found is lots of bread and lettuce, I didn't have that I had maple and pecan cereal, and it was so yummy!
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
My top 10 Summer Jams!
Hey everyone! So summer in the UK is on it's way and I always have a special playlist for that specific season! So this is what's in my summer playlist!
10. Thrift Shop - Alex G
9. The Show - Lenka
8. Hey LA - Ryan Beatty
7. Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
6. What About Us - The Saturdays feat Sean Paul
5. Ready or Not - Bridgit Mendler
4. The Way - Ariana Grande feat Mac Miller
3. Fallin' For You - R5
2. Get Lucky - Daft Punk
And my number one is...
So that is my summer playlist! Comment down below what your current number 1 summer jam!
Brand new laptop = more videos on YouTube!
So I just got my brand new laptop today! And I am so freakin' happy been waiting 4 years for this specific laptop. I'm going to start filming on my laptop, instead of using my camera. Any ways email me video requests through my email address that I will put at the end of this post! Anything rude will go to spam...
I have videos ready to edit and upload the only thing is that I'm using iMovie on my laptop but I'm not quite sure on how to use it, there are some things that I have been able to figure but not all things. So in the comments can you tell me. Thanks.
Email address: haniwaaa@yahoo.com
Monday, 27 May 2013
Hello Summer!
So the last couple days in the town I live in have been boiling hot, even though it's 17 degrees! Now you expect me to be in shorts and a muscle tee or my bikini but you my friend…are WRONG!!! I heard that from a movie, any ways currently I'm sitting in the car with an over sized hoodie and jeans! This is only because I have so many marks on my whole body that I can't wear shorts and my favourite tank top! Good thing I'm going shopping soon, cause I need new clothes anyway!
I'm growing out of all my clothes, meaning I need a new whole wardrobe!
Here are some pictures from the last couple hot days!
I'm growing out of all my clothes, meaning I need a new whole wardrobe!
Here are some pictures from the last couple hot days!
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My nails currently |
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Last night |
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Yesterday after a water fight |
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Friday night on the way back from London |
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During water fight |
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Right now! |
Monday, 13 May 2013
Spring to Summer!
So we're in the middle of Spring! Summer's about to arrive! Can't wait for this summer! Got my birthday coming up! Most of my friends' birthday are in May! My mum's one is this Wednesday! Got a lot of gifts to buy then!
I have a Summer look - book on it's way! And probably a haul or two on my youtube channel! I also posted a video the other it's pretty silly but I'm singing and maybe the rap from The Way by Ariana Grande featuring Mac Miller! Here's the link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEzND7Pnll0!
Hope you like it see you later!
I have a Summer look - book on it's way! And probably a haul or two on my youtube channel! I also posted a video the other it's pretty silly but I'm singing and maybe the rap from The Way by Ariana Grande featuring Mac Miller! Here's the link! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEzND7Pnll0!
Hope you like it see you later!
~ Haniya ~
Thursday, 25 April 2013
A thing I always do!
So a thing that I always do is that when I take a shower I will always have my phone in the room and my music will be playing really loudly!
There was this time when I got grounded for a month and my phone was taken away from me for a week and during that week I showered every day so my substitute was to have my iPad with me because it has the same songs as my phone, I even have my own little "shower" playlist !
Okay that's it! Something really random! Comment below one thing that you always do!
There was this time when I got grounded for a month and my phone was taken away from me for a week and during that week I showered every day so my substitute was to have my iPad with me because it has the same songs as my phone, I even have my own little "shower" playlist !
Okay that's it! Something really random! Comment below one thing that you always do!
~ Haniya ~
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Saturday, 13 April 2013
Happy Birthday shoutout!
Happy Birthday shoutout to...
Ellington Ratliff
Who is now the big 20! I'm saying it now because it is half 12 here in the UK and I thought why wait when you could do it now! I know it's insane but if you are reading this...ILY & the band of course! You are funny, kind and I love how you can just be yourself no matter what, wether you're on stage or in front of a camera. And I must say when you were in that Love Me music video I just broke into laughter! You and the rest of R5 have given me a more confidence to be myself no matter who I'm with and where I am! Thank - you so much!
AND And also when will you come to the UK?
Ellington Ratliff
Who is now the big 20! I'm saying it now because it is half 12 here in the UK and I thought why wait when you could do it now! I know it's insane but if you are reading this...ILY & the band of course! You are funny, kind and I love how you can just be yourself no matter what, wether you're on stage or in front of a camera. And I must say when you were in that Love Me music video I just broke into laughter! You and the rest of R5 have given me a more confidence to be myself no matter who I'm with and where I am! Thank - you so much!
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
~ Haniya ~
New video up!
New video is up on my channel check it out!
And while you're there don't forget to subscribe :)
Enjoy the video!
And while you're there don't forget to subscribe :)
Enjoy the video!
~ Haniya ~
Friday, 12 April 2013
Easier or just a lot of work?!
Okay so I haven't put a video up really, but I think I should put all the videos in one whole vid, or make it into 2 different parts. For me it seems a bit easier.
~ Haniya ~
Monday, 8 April 2013
Video time?!
So it's Spring Break and I have been watching a bunch of videos lately and I am going to put some of the videos that I have watched, some of them are funny and some of them are just vlogs or beauty vids.
FleurDeVlog - NYC - Part 1: IMATS & Late Night Makeup Hauling!
CutieBututieBeauty - DIY: Duck Tape Brush Roll!
Zoella280390 - British Slang With Joey Graceffa | Zoella
So yeah that's some of the videos I have watched! It is currently 2:21 in the morning right now, so I might go to bed I don't know! Ehh, I'll talk to you later!
FleurDeVlog - NYC - Part 1: IMATS & Late Night Makeup Hauling!
CutieBututieBeauty - DIY: Duck Tape Brush Roll!
Zoella280390 - British Slang With Joey Graceffa | Zoella
So yeah that's some of the videos I have watched! It is currently 2:21 in the morning right now, so I might go to bed I don't know! Ehh, I'll talk to you later!
~ X ~
Saturday, 30 March 2013
So I need help, I need some ides on some videos that I should make, it could be with friends, family or just me alone, it could be a vlog or anything to do with beauty!
Just comment below on what you think I should do!
Just comment below on what you think I should do!
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Spring Break or Easter Holidays!
It's the Easter holidays! Or also Spring Break! So today was the last day of school and we had half a day. We had 2 periods, which was maths and tech, then we had time in form, then had a hour long assembly. And I hate the really long assemblies, and we have them I think nearly term. It get's really boring for some reason, I have no idea why, but we have to sit in our houses as well. But we have a 2 week holiday, yaay! But I have 2 pieces of holiday homework to do and it's Engligh and Maths. This term had 5 weeks so it went by pretty quick!
I am trying to post more videos on my youtube channel, so I will probably be doing that during the holidays so there will probably be a lot of videos I'm not promising anything but I will try to put at least 3 up during the holidays. I will probably be with friends in all 3 of the videos but oh well! I don't know wether I'm doing anything special, I know I'm going cinema with some of my friends when I was in primary school so I could catch up with them so I might try and do a video.
I am so happy, school finished around 7 hours ago and already miss my friends (the ones that I know I won't see during the holidays & the ones I know I will see). But I have jkust came back home from shopping with the family cause of the food we will need over the 2 weeks! So it is 20.35 right now and I have nothing to do, I will probably now take a quick shower, grab some snacks and watch a really emotional movie. Because I think I need a movie time.
Also before I forget happy birthday to Zoe AKA zoella280390 who has a YouTube channel and she is one of my favorite beauty gurus! I would love to meet her some day.
So yeaa that's it I will see you soon!
I am trying to post more videos on my youtube channel, so I will probably be doing that during the holidays so there will probably be a lot of videos I'm not promising anything but I will try to put at least 3 up during the holidays. I will probably be with friends in all 3 of the videos but oh well! I don't know wether I'm doing anything special, I know I'm going cinema with some of my friends when I was in primary school so I could catch up with them so I might try and do a video.
I am so happy, school finished around 7 hours ago and already miss my friends (the ones that I know I won't see during the holidays & the ones I know I will see). But I have jkust came back home from shopping with the family cause of the food we will need over the 2 weeks! So it is 20.35 right now and I have nothing to do, I will probably now take a quick shower, grab some snacks and watch a really emotional movie. Because I think I need a movie time.
Also before I forget happy birthday to Zoe AKA zoella280390 who has a YouTube channel and she is one of my favorite beauty gurus! I would love to meet her some day.
So yeaa that's it I will see you soon!
Twitter: @haniwaaa_XO
YouTube: Hani Wibawa
Instagram: londongirl_13
Zoe's Blog: http://www.zoella.co.uk/
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
My newest obsession!
So if you guys know me, or are very close friends with me or have me on facebook OR follow me on Instagram that you know I have had an obsession on the band R5.
Now I've known them (as in found out) ever since they formed the band and I was really a big fan of them when I first heard their music. I was a fan but not a big fan of them because of Riker's appearances in Glee. I kind of forgot about them because I became a huge fan of One Direction, but then I kind of stopped liking just one band and/or singer. Then I was obsessed with them again since the newest season of Austin & Ally (yes, yes I watch them, get over it!) So now I'm kind of obsessed I have couple of pictures I would like to show so you know how obsessed I really am!
So there you have it you can total tell I am obsessed!
A new post is up tomorrow! About the things I will do in the Holidays. Talk to you later!
INSTAGRAM: londongirl_13
YOUTUBE: My YouTube Channel!
- FALLIN' FOR YOU: R5 - Fallin' For You Acoustic Performance - R5Fridays
- I WANT U BAD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3JMNNmcW98
- HERE COMES FOREVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55-bO5XMky4
Now I've known them (as in found out) ever since they formed the band and I was really a big fan of them when I first heard their music. I was a fan but not a big fan of them because of Riker's appearances in Glee. I kind of forgot about them because I became a huge fan of One Direction, but then I kind of stopped liking just one band and/or singer. Then I was obsessed with them again since the newest season of Austin & Ally (yes, yes I watch them, get over it!) So now I'm kind of obsessed I have couple of pictures I would like to show so you know how obsessed I really am!
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Yes their website is officially on my phone and it still is! And my wallpaper is R5 too! |
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I am listening to this while writing this! |
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I am totally obsessed! |
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I've done even more of these posters to do with the band and each band! |
A new post is up tomorrow! About the things I will do in the Holidays. Talk to you later!
TWITTER: @haniwaaa_XOINSTAGRAM: londongirl_13
YOUTUBE: My YouTube Channel!
- FALLIN' FOR YOU: R5 - Fallin' For You Acoustic Performance - R5Fridays
- I WANT U BAD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3JMNNmcW98
- HERE COMES FOREVER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55-bO5XMky4
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Happy Mother's Day ♥
Happy Mother's day to my mummy, and to all other mothers♥.
Think of those who don't have their mother's currently, don't worry, she's watching over you guiding you through your hardest times♥.
Lots of hugs and kisses to all of you♥♥♥.
Lots of love from,
Think of those who don't have their mother's currently, don't worry, she's watching over you guiding you through your hardest times♥.
Lots of hugs and kisses to all of you♥♥♥.
Lots of love from,
Thursday, 7 March 2013
New Video Up!
I have put my second video up on YouTube!
It's a Chubby Bunny video, that I think everyone should at least do when they are in their teens! I hope you like it and also...
Love you!Xxx.
Chubby Bunny!
My Twitter
My Instagram!
It's a Chubby Bunny video, that I think everyone should at least do when they are in their teens! I hope you like it and also...
Love you!Xxx.
Chubby Bunny!
My Twitter
My Instagram!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
First video on YouTube!
Okay so I've decided to make a video, edit it and post it on YouTube!
Like, share and subscribe while you're there also and if you like and some suggestions on what type of video I should do!
First video on YouTube!
Like, share and subscribe while you're there also and if you like and some suggestions on what type of video I should do!
First video on YouTube!
Monday, 18 February 2013
10 things you don't know about me!
So I don't really think you know me that well so I thought I will do something that will kind of introduce me just a bit more.
1. I am a swimmer I have been swimming since I was 7.
2. I think some people know about this but I am writing a book. I started in August , it's just a small project, something that will keep me busy throughout the holidays and weekends!
3. I don't know if you know this but I can't not have my phone! I always have to have my phone with me, no matter what. When my phone was taken away from me for a whole week I through a tantrum! A week went on and I got it back! I think it was during the family day out and we all went shopping!
4. Facebook - I'm obsessed with it! I stopped last year for about 2 or 3 weeks and during that time I was glued to Twitter and BBM (Blackberry Messenger for those who have no clue about it & when I use to have a Blackberry), but I'm obsessed with it again! I just don't put up as many pictures like I used to.
5. Music - music is my life it's in my blood as well. My dad is a drummer, but I didn't get it from him I got it from my mum's side. I play guitar and piano, I love to use Garage Band, and I sing a little. I use to sing when I was younger and make covers and put it on YouTube, on my mum's account. I have my own account but I've never put a video up, if I do it will probably be some random video of me on my own or with a few friends acting really weird and being random.
6. I'm really shy when you first meet me, but then when we get to know each other a little better then you will know how weird I am.
7. I do like video diaries most of the time about something that has happened in the day that I found interesting and shocking.
8. Cute but not safe - by that I mean I have a good side and a bad side. Bad side - somewhere that you don't want to be any where near.
9. Protective - I love my family and friends! So so much! And if anything happens to them you will see my bad side and it ain't pretty...my really close friends know what I'm talking about. I found and liked this picture on Facebook, I mean wouldn't you say that or something similar to it? I would say something around the lines of Do I need to hurt someone?
10. I'm unique! I'm my own person...I will always be myself, and I don't really care if I'm being judged about it. I am me, myself at all times, I can be who I want to be and NO ONE can change that!
Hoped you like it sorry about one word in the picture. Thought you would be able to know me just a little better! And comment below one thing that other people don't know about you!
QUOTE: Be proud of who you are, and just be yourself, no matter what.
Love you lots like jelly tots!
1. I am a swimmer I have been swimming since I was 7.
2. I think some people know about this but I am writing a book. I started in August , it's just a small project, something that will keep me busy throughout the holidays and weekends!
3. I don't know if you know this but I can't not have my phone! I always have to have my phone with me, no matter what. When my phone was taken away from me for a whole week I through a tantrum! A week went on and I got it back! I think it was during the family day out and we all went shopping!
4. Facebook - I'm obsessed with it! I stopped last year for about 2 or 3 weeks and during that time I was glued to Twitter and BBM (Blackberry Messenger for those who have no clue about it & when I use to have a Blackberry), but I'm obsessed with it again! I just don't put up as many pictures like I used to.
5. Music - music is my life it's in my blood as well. My dad is a drummer, but I didn't get it from him I got it from my mum's side. I play guitar and piano, I love to use Garage Band, and I sing a little. I use to sing when I was younger and make covers and put it on YouTube, on my mum's account. I have my own account but I've never put a video up, if I do it will probably be some random video of me on my own or with a few friends acting really weird and being random.
6. I'm really shy when you first meet me, but then when we get to know each other a little better then you will know how weird I am.
7. I do like video diaries most of the time about something that has happened in the day that I found interesting and shocking.
8. Cute but not safe - by that I mean I have a good side and a bad side. Bad side - somewhere that you don't want to be any where near.
10. I'm unique! I'm my own person...I will always be myself, and I don't really care if I'm being judged about it. I am me, myself at all times, I can be who I want to be and NO ONE can change that!
Hoped you like it sorry about one word in the picture. Thought you would be able to know me just a little better! And comment below one thing that other people don't know about you!
QUOTE: Be proud of who you are, and just be yourself, no matter what.
Love you lots like jelly tots!
Friday, 25 January 2013
Another Year!
Another year is here, and everyone will have that special occassion to go to and I found these earrings online and I thought I will share the link.
^This is the link so if you want to check it out you may!
Hani Wibawa 22.09
^This is the link so if you want to check it out you may!
Hani Wibawa 22.09
Sunday, 6 January 2013
all snuggled up and cosy!
need a last lay in day before we go in to school, so me and my sister are sitting on the couch watching Shake It Up!
Saturday, 5 January 2013
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