♥ So the last couple weeks of the summer holidays I had family round and I took some pics! v
♥ This is me and my cousin Liaba making cookies! ♥
♥ Here's more! ♥
♥ And here they are finished! ♥
♥ This is my auntie and her daughter, she's a cutie pie and her name is Saihka ♥
♥ My other auntie and my baby couz! ♥
♥ So me and my family (mom, sis and grandpa) went to Pets Corner and when we finished we went to have a ice cream and the ice cream van was parked next to our car so we thought, why not! ♥
♥ We did go out to some marvelous places. And there will be more posts about what happened! ♥
♥ See ya soon! ♥
♥ Hani Wibawa XO. ♥
♥ 20:57 ♥