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Thursday, 22 December 2011

Chirstmas Day To-Do List!!

Hey everyone, today I'm gonna talk about my Christmas Day To-Do List!!!
Now I don't celebrate Christmas but I still do what everyone has and it's always on a Sunday so instead we do things that we always do on a Sunday but we relate them to Christmas and a normal Sunday!!!
Here's my Christmas To-Do List!!!
1) I always wake up  (but it's not like I have to wake up early) and I brush my teeth (but that is what you always have to do) and go downstairs (now you don't wanna be stuck upstairs on Christmas day do you but at this point if you live in a partment not stuck in the same room)
2) Make either toast, cereal or porridge (yum, yum and NOMNOM) with a nice tea or hot choco with marshmellows or what Blair Fowler made which is what  I think is called a White Coco Mocha!!!
3) Make sure I don't change clothes so I stay in my warm PJs (nice and comfy)
4) Watch  movie with my younger sister
5) Spend time with my faamily
6) Have a nap
7) And go to bed!!!
That is mainly it.....
Hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Love from Haniya xoxo :D

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Have a very LUSH Christmas!!

Hey everyone it's nearly Christmas and you haven't found any presents for your family go and check out this website https://www.lush.co.uk/ perfect for women AND men!!!!!!

Please give me your comments and see how it goes!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Outfit lovers

Everyone is always finding it hard to find the right outfit from the role model, so I am going to post up some pics of different outfits. But they are maily based on 2 people:

So that's mainly it, hoped you enjoyed it and if you guess who the 2 people are please comment..!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Picture time

I really love this picture.
We have this thing were we have Science week and animals come in and you get to take a picture with the owl that flies around the hall it's really cool, its also taken at her school.

Bye xxx(:

Christmas is near...

Hey guys, Christmas is near to us November now so nearly half a month till Christmas. Christmas always comes so early in grocery stores it's really weird they put it up at like the 1st day of November and manager's are like "It's time to put up the banners of Christmas sales", and even more they even put up the Christmas tree. I asked my dad on Saturday why do they always put up the decorations so early? I can't remember what he said to me. Anyway do you think the decorations should be put up like halfway through November and the Christmas tree until the 1st of December? If you do comment!! xx

Bye xxx(:

Monday, 14 November 2011

Should I delete?

Hey everyone so I wanna know do you think I should delete all my old blogs and if you do please say so and I won't be very crucial! x Hope to see you soon! xxx

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Beauty blog

You have to watch this video it is about the summer colours which are based on nail poilish. Type this into your link after you have read this. http://www.youtube.com/user/juicystar07. This is the beauty guru who I watch or her bigger sister. They also run a online shop called Glitzy Glam. Fabulous stuff to see AND buy. Please see.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Beauty gurus

Well I am all about the beauty. I absolutely make-up and hair. To be honest the first I was interested in make up is since I was a child, my auntie (mum's sister) used to always come over and stay for a weekend and she would do her make up and I would use to sit on my favouritechair and watch her. My mum told me that. Now because my auntie isn't always here I would go on youtube and look at Elle and Blair Fowler. They are my beauty idols. They are my favourite beauty idols. Some people say that their real names aren't real, I know they aren't but I think they are doing to keep their identity down on a low profile. Well I respect for what they have done, I mean that every time you go into a store you don't what to be chased out an hour later by girls asking on beauty tips. That's just what I think they done that for.

Some of my stuff come from Claire's, Primark and a perfect charity shop. I mean every girl at least has a few shopping destinations. So that is my biggest thing I love the most.